
Category: Newest Review

Review: The Lair

Fun but seriously goofy, ‘The Lair’ sees Neil Marshall dig deep for influences within his own filmography to unleash some more hellish monster mayhem, this time upon an unsuspecting US marine unit in Afghanistan. Right from the opening of this movie, a brief sequence of aerial combat high in the skies above Afghanistan the film […]

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Review: Final Cut

‘Final Cut’ is a contemporary French zombie movie with a twist so committed it threatens to derail the film before its even started! The film opens with a small film crew in a frictional exchange at the climax of their latest zombie movie. The director appears to have lost the plot, making unrealistic demands and […]

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Review: Bitch Ass

“Bitch Ass: The story of America’s first black serial killer” – Tony Todd. At its core ‘Bitch Ass’ is a thought provoking; contemporary horror challenges the viewer… or not! Actually ‘Bitch Ass’ is everything you hoped it would be from the title, a throwback slasher movie which, whilst not really a comedy, certainly doesn’t take […]

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Review: The Fearway

In exploring familiar territory, ‘The Fearway’ foregoes any suspense, in favour for impressive presentation and a quirky selection of characters. The plot of ‘The Fearway’ follows a young couple travelling through the desert. Initially their journey seems fine, however their small talk is interrupted by a brief, but pivotal sequence where first their car experiences […]

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Review: Nightmare Radio

A slick and atmospheric anthology ‘Nightmare Radio: The Night Stalker’ showcases a range of horror shorts ‘phoned in’ by the listeners of a sultry late-night radio show. Whilst the stories coming in are as eclectic as they are creepy, the radio’s host ‘Candy’ finds herself caught up in some real-life horror, quickly finding not all […]

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Review: The 6th Friend

Wearing its inspiration quite literally on its (DVD) sleeve ‘The 6th Friend’ could sit quite comfortably amongst the countless competent, yet uninspiring, second rate, second wave slasher films to emerge in the late 90s, after Craven’s ‘Scream’ spearheaded the sub-genres resurgence. If the artwork on the one-sheet wasn’t enough to tip you off, this movie […]

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Review: Terrified (aka Aterrados)

Argentinian movie ‘Terrified’ (aka Aterrados) is a gem; at its best its utterly terrifying, and at all other times it presents an interesting, and somewhat less traditional take on the modern ‘paranormal investigation’ plotline. The film’s plot unfurls in an anthology fashion, following a series of violent supernatural events from the perspectives of several characters, […]

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