
Category: Newest Review

Review: Still Born

Take all the components out of the successful ‘Blumhouse formula handbook’ and then add in a hard-hitting emotional ending and you’ve got ‘Still Born’ the debut feature from director Brandon Christensen. ‘Still Born’ follows the harrowing story of young mother ‘Mary’ (Christie Burke) who after expecting twins, is plunged into a world of depression as […]

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Review: Parents

Balaban’s 1989 film ‘Parents’ is an overlooked but somewhat effective psychological horror. Promoted, initially, and more recently through its release via Lionsgate’s increasingly prominent ‘Vestron’ label as a black comedy, this film has a lot more to offer than perhaps that sub-genre would suggest. The plot introduces 10-year-old Michel as the film’s protagonist, an awkward […]

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Review: The Lifechanger

‘The Lifechanger’ is a stylish ‘body horror’ from director Justin McConnel which sees us follow the survival exploits of an organism who must switch bodies to continue its survival. Despite the opportunities for gross out carnage (often associated with similar genre films), the plot of ‘The Lifechanger’ is a rather restraint love story. Whilst the […]

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Review: Snake Outta Compton

“Get these Snakes off my Mutha-Fuxkin’ plane” shouts Sammy L, concluding the unlikely 2006 hit ‘Snakes on a Plane’. Well, seems like one snake did indeed follow Jackson’s command, dropping 35,000 feet straight into the heart of gangland – Compton, California. Sadly, it didn’t survive the fall, but an egg did. Discovered then by mad-scientist […]

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