Rhyller Thriller; Rhyls first horror film festival gets its sequel this May with Rhyller Thriller 2: Revenge Of The Thriller.

This may 18th Rhyller thriller returns with its second major event at hyl town hall, with a host of horror films and guests it is an event sure to attract all who love the genre. This year’s headline attraction Is British writer and director Neil Marshall, creator of possibly the best werewolf movie ever made in Dog Soldiers (which will be shown at the event alongside Marshalls scare-filled masterpiece The Descent). Neil is also best know for the latest Hollywood rendition of the Hellboy franchise as well as having directed two of the highest rated Game of Thrones episodes (Battle of the Blackwater and The Watchers on the Wall) Having a chance to watch two of the best modern British horror films alongside the director, as well as being able to sit with the man in question for a Q&A session is an opportunity many will not want to miss. Alongside Neil will be actor Craig Conway who stars in the descent as the main monster and also has a role in dog soldiers.

Rhyller thriller is also presenting a short film competition for people at all levels and ages, a world premier of a new horror series made by Welsh director Dylan Guard and his production company Uncut Films, and feature film The Pocket Book of Superstitions which has been a smash hit for horror fans all across the country this year. With a horror themed market being held downstairs filled with art, licenced merchandise, confectionery and other crafts, as well as a visit from the highly thought of scare team Central Legion, this years festival is sure to eclipse the quality of the 2023 festival.
Rhyller Thriller is a company owned by Chad Jones and Tomos Rowlands of Rhyl who aim to make a safe home for all in the horror community as well as make film making accessible to all in the local area. With both being born and bread in Rhyl, the aim is to bring more people to rhyl to increase investment to the town.